Sunday, October 5, 2008

Horny Goat Weed: Better than Viagra?

Source: Horny goat weed

Researchers seeking natural "aphrodisiacs" as alternatives to Viagra think that the aptly-named horny goat weed may hold promise. According to University of Milan pharmacologist Mario Dell'Agil, a drug derived from the plant could potentially be as effective as Viagra without the same side effects as the little blue pill. From New Scientist: Viagra's active compound, sildenafil, works by inhibiting an enzyme called phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5). Because PDE5 helps control blood flow to the penis, inhibiting PDE5 promotes male erection. Dell'Agli and his colleagues tested the four plants in vitro to see how efficient they were at inhibiting PDE5. Just one â?? Epimedium brevicornum, also known as horny goat weed and Bishop's Hat â?? had an effect. This confirmed previous studies showing that icariin, a compound found inside the horny goat weed, is a PDE5 inhibitor. " " (New Scientist)

Horny goat weed pills

posted by, You know, I have to say I doubt this study just because of the fact that I had a friend who took "penis enlargement pills" that were Horny Goat Weed and Vitamin C in them and he never once mentioned the type of effect that viagra has. And trust me, this guy would have. And yes, he really was a friend not a "friend. " posted by, Horny Goat Weed has been a folk remedy for ED for who knows how many years. It never stopped being sold for that purpose when Viagra et al hit the market, but we're just now getting around to actually testing it out? There have been many folk remedies through the years that have proven quite effective, so it's not that huge a surprise that this one works too. posted by, posted by, There is also Macha root from the Peruvian highlands. It is supposed to have many many physical/mental benefits, including improved sexual function. A sustainable agricultural product for the world market? Sex sells. posted by, I tried the truck stop horny goat weed pill once (no lie, they sell it in western Massachusetts) and fell asleep unaroused. posted by, Hey there I was a very active member of a enthnobotanical forum for quite a few years. "Horny Goat Weed" does indeed work. I've used it with my then girlfriend for those all night extended sessions we had. The person that really brought this to the western market is the owner of www. omchiherbs. com. oh about 10 years ago. He's the one that dove into the old books and did the research. (There's quite a few other interesting plant extracts he's dug up over the years that are also well looking into). I'm not mentioning this because I used to chat with him. I'm mentioning this because his research and bringing this to the west should be rewarded. Here's the specific page relating to the article. While not using the same scientific name for "horny goat weed" it is the "same thing" in active amounts. posted by, james david. not all those herbal supplments are the same. There's lots of rip offs in the industry by quick buck con men that mix up stuff and sell it to cash in on the herbal buzz or the new thing. The above link is for a source I can recommend. Also, you'll need a friend or something to aid you in "Activation" Affects aren't only for standing at attention but also for additional flow and intensity. or at least in the pills I've used. ymmv. posted by, The local Asian supermarket here in Seattle has carried horny goat weed tea for as long as I can remember. Never verified it if works as intended though ;) posted by, They've sold it in mainstream supermarkets here for years, and even have a "Horny Goats Weed for Her" version as well :) posted by, I've never tried Viagra so I can't compare, but I have been taking HGW & MACA together with Ginkgo Biloba for a couple of months and the effect is most definitely noticeable. It definitely doesn't have an 'instant wood' effect like Viagra is supposed to, but after taking for about a week, it definitely took less effort to get there and lasted much longer. YMMV. posted by, I think it's hilarious that people are selling this stuff. Here in New Mexico (and other places I'm sure) it is an invasive pest. I've been trying for years to eradicate it from my yard, but it just keeps coming back. Maybe if it becomes really popular, people will over-harvest it from the ditch sides and arroyos around here. posted by, Re: #6 I like how they substituted "licentious" in the name of the herb. posted by, Chinese medicine only caught on to that one a few thousand years ago! posted by, Why is this news? Haven't natural remedy stores been selling this for years already, alongside Maca root?

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